Handwritten Letters
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Ez in Art, Magazines + Books, books, handwriting, lettering, typography

Have you ever taken on a 365 (or year-long project) before? I've always dreamed of doing one myself, but somehow always end up talking myself out of it before committing (three-hundred-and-sixty-five days is a lonnng time guys). Anyhow, when I spotted this wonderfully creative 395-day Handwritten Letters challenge by artist Mary Kate McDevitt over on Studio Sweet Studio the other day, I fell in love. My heart always skips a beat or two for hand-drawn lettering anyhow, so this project has made me all swoony. Mary Kate has just finished her 61st letter, so there are still plenty more to go. Be sure to pop on over as the months go by to see what she's dreamed up each day. And if you're in the mood for more Mary Kate goodness, wander on over to her portfolio, shop, and blog to see more of her wonderful work. xo Ez

P.S. Surprise...there's more! I just discovered that Mary Kate's gorgeous hand-lettered mini goals journal (published by Chronicle Books) is available for pre-order right now. Aren't you just aching to get a peek inside! It looks like a keeper!

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/).
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