Today I Love: Weekend Handmade
Friday, September 30, 2011
Ez in D.I.Y. + Projects, Magazines + Books, book

Last week I did a little happy dance when I discovered Kelly Wilkinson's beautiful new book, Weekend Handmade waiting for me in my mailbox. Kelly has been authoring her blog Make Grow Gather for years now, and I can't even begin to say how inspiring it is to see all of her hard work and talent displayed in book form (go Kelly)!

Here's a sampling of some of the more than 40 projects and ideas for inspired crafting that you will find tucked inside:

Isn't it lovely! You'll have to pick up your own copy to see the rest of the goodness inside. I know how I'll be spending my weekend! xo Ez

Photography by Thayer Allyson Gowdy | Styling by Karen Schaupeter

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
See website for complete article licensing information.