Today I Love: Color Scheme Designer
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ez in Color Crush, Today I Love:, Web / Tech Help, Weddings + Events, color multi, party, tools, web help, wedding

If you have ever been confused by color pairings... deciding which hues will accent the colors in your home... what tones to use in a design project...or even which colors to use for your wedding or next party, then this ever-so-helpful (and free) Color Scheme Designer is for you.  Simply select the color you want to start with.  By clicking "Adjust Scheme" you can set the saturation and brightness of your color until it is right...or type in the color's corresponding RGB code if you know it.  Next play around with the various options available to see which colors will compliment or add nice contrast to your original color selection.  Lastly you can save your color scheme by clicking the "Scheme ID" link under the four small color samples at the top of your palette and then bookmark your page.  I hope you have fun playing around with this great online tool!  Enjoy!  xo Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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