Blog Tips: More info on Using Custom Domains
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Ez in Web / Tech Help, guide for better blogging

Hello everyone.  There were quite a few questions (understandably) after the last segment regarding the use of custom domains.  In fact it this is a subject that I wish I understood better myself.  I'm afraid my answers may not be very thorough, but the little that I do know I am happy to share with you.

You will want to begin directing traffic to your site through domain mapping.  "Domain mapping" is just the fancy title for a process that will essentially redirect any visits to your old URL (example: seamlessly to your new URL (example:  Through your blog host or domain server you should be able to find details specific to your host(s) on how to set this up.  For reference you can take a look at the information on Domain Mapping that is made available through my blog host Squarespace for use with domains purchased through Nettica (my domain host).  Again this is just a reference point.  All hosts and servers will a have unique process for set-up so be sure to do a search with your hosts to see how to best map your domain.

As long as you are using domain mapping along with your URL you should experience no loss in visitors.  Basically all clicks on your old link will automatically open your site using your new domain.  Visitors might not ever even see the change happen unless they look at the URL at the top of the page.  Of course it is also a good idea to mention the change to readers once it has been successfully set up.  The more incoming links that direct to your custom URL the better.

So there you have it.  I should also note that while I still find anything technical to be mind-boggling, I did manage to accomplish tasks such as domain mapping on my own with persistence, some dedicated time and research on the subject.  Google search is my best friend.  So I know it is tricky, but hang in there.  If I can do certainly can too!  xo Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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