DIY: Faux Sheepkin Cloud Rugs
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ez in Babies + Kids + Families, D.I.Y. + Projects, Home Decor, Tutorials, baby, color grey, craft, d.i.y., decor, diy, floor covering, home decor, kids, nursery, project, rug

My clever friend Marichelle just shared an awesome tutorial for these adorable Faux Sheepskin Cloud-Shaped Rugs over on her blog Lifeflix, and I couldn't re-post it fast enough.  The two clouds above were crafted for her daughter's nursery, but of course you could use this project in any way that suits you and your home.  Head over to Lifeflix for the full tutorial.  Enjoy!  xo Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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