A Sweet Cupcake Roundup
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ez in Babies + Kids + Families, Food / Recipes, Magazines + Books, Nice Package, books, cupcake

Hello again lovelies!  I realized that my D.I.Y Cupcake Toppers post from earlier today couldn't be complete without a sweet roundup of cupcake recipes, books, and more.  So here you are... some yummy picks for the sweet tooth in us all:

  1. The Cupcake Deck ~ Chronicle Books
  2. Cupcakes! ~ Chronicle Books
  3. Hello, Cupcake! ~ Amazon
  4. Martha Stewart's Cupcakes ~ Amazon
  5. 75 Spring Tulip Cupcake Papers ~ Layer Cake Shop
  6. Letterpress Printed Cupcake Boxes ~ Simplesong

More sweetness:

Don't forget you can also download free cupcake tags from me, right here.  xox Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/).
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