Free Printable Polka Dot Paper
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ez in Downloads + Printables, Freebies, cc-downloads, cc-printables, free, paper, printable

I created these high resolution colored polka dot patterns a while back to use in some other designs and though you might all enjoy them in their simple form.  With this freebie you get two colors per PDF page, so each polka-dotted rectangle measures about 8.5 x 5.5.  These would make the perfect backdrop for handmade cards or note flats, and you could also use craft punches to create tags, stickers, labels (or whatever else suits you) from them.  Enjoy!

Rules and Such (a.k.a. the part I don't like but has sadly become necessary):

You can find all of my freebies and tutorials right here, including my related Polka Dot Snail Mail download + Printable Seating Cards/Treat Bag Toppers. ♥ Ez

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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