D.I.Y. Rewrapped Sweets = Gift Giving Treat
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ez in D.I.Y. + Projects, Food / Recipes, Gift Giving / Wrapping Ideas, Holiday Inspiration/Projects, Nice Package, christmas, d.i.y., food, gift, gift giving, holiday, nice package, packaging, project, wrapping

My daughter is a huge sweets and cooking fan.  With this in mind, my friend and (clever biz-partner) Marichelle created the most darling gift for her to open on Christmas Day.  The trick to this sweet gift is that everything came from the store and was just rewrapped with simple steps and basic supplies to make it feel a million times more special.  And it is, isn't it?!  Marichelle's shared the whole thing over on our Nice Package blog.

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/).
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