Fall Romance
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ez in Art, Eco-conscious, Home Decor, Indie Design, Paper Goods, color pink

Fall is almost here (for this side of the hemesphere) and I can't wait!  This time of year always finds me in the mood for a nice cup of tea, a good book, and maybe an art project or two... and this season I'm really falling for little romantic elements to kick things up a notch or two.

I need your help... leave a comment with your favorite tea and an excellent book recommendation, and I'll love you forever!  : )


  1. 10k Daisy Hoops by Allison Daniel Designs
  2. Tubs of Colored Pencils at Muji Online
  3. Pink Girl art print by Irena Sophia (found via Modish's DaWanda picks)
  4. "Topper" Lace-up Pumps by daniblack at Zappos
  5. Ec0-friendly Gocco Printed Journals from Cake + Milk Paperie - BONUS: Creature Comfort's readers receive a free Shimmery Flat Set with any purchase from now until 12/15/08!  Use promo code "Creature Comforts Blog" with
    your color choice in the "how'd you hear about us?" box during checkout.
    (One free per customer while supplies last; color choice may be
  6. Typewriter Necklace by Crumpet Cake
  7. Raphaelite Bow Belt by Desira Pesta
  8. Olive Coat in Red by LittLe HOuses
  9. Set of Three - Engraved Flower Pebbles by Letter Fest (found via Cuteable blog)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (http://www.creaturecomfortsblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.