Inspired Spaces: Ink & Peat
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ez in Floral Design, color green

If you've been reading Housemartin blog for any length of time then you know that Pam (the author) is not only a fabulous blogger but a talented floral designer (with impeccable taste) as well with!  Today she's unveiled a glimpse into her gorgeous brick and mortar shop in Portland, Oregon... and I would give anything to spend a day walking through, ooing and ahhing over every perfectly currated piece.

If you're in the area (3808 N. Williams Avenue — Suite 126 - Portland, OR), stop through during business hours: Tuesday-Saturday  11 - 6.  Looks like you're in for a treat!

And if you can't make it in be certain to see more online:

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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