Friday Flickr Fix - "Vicarious"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ez in Art, Flickr Fanatic (photo love), Halloween, color black, color orange, fall, holiday decor

It's been around 90 degrees every day this past week, and I'm in dire need of some fall/Halloween inspiration.  These  lovely photos are just the trick and come from a few of my favorite photographers on flickr. 

Please view them in their full-sized glory by following these links:
1. its Halloween!!, 2. An incredibly fab Halloween "ribbon" from Kari!, 3. spooky, 4. "we're no here" II

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.

...More holiday inspiration (from Martha Stewart):

-Creepy Candy Jar Labels & Cobweb Stickers.
-Black Magic Decorations.
-Pumpkin Chandeliers
-Lacy Luminarias

Article originally appeared on Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies (
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